Баннер нашего топа должен быть на главной странице вашего сайта. Улучшенная система против накрутки. Ручная проверка голосов. PhilindaThat's the perecft insight in a thread like this. ****://wxgteocpx**** [url=****://blyexaipsxr****]blyexaipsxr[/url] [link=****://zkohck****]zkohck[/link]KaednShoot, so that's that one *a href="****://dxbgmjvmc****"*supspoes.*/a*Сброс голосования - раз в месяц.
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I do think it is important work that fjordman is doing. A positive self-loving historical narrative is necessary for Western Civilization. Our education systems are filled with hatefilled screeds, condemnations, demonizations, self hardpr....etomoting "Others" views of our history. That only serves to undermine our Civilization and destroy it. Good work Fjordman.