Lineage 2 Топ 100, С4, С5, Kamael, Interlude. Крупнейший Топ Русскоязычных Онлайновых серверов Lineage2 и Игровых Сайтов по Lineage 2 и La2.
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Lineage 2

Lineage 2 Top. Top Lineage2. Top la2. Top la

Время: February 8, 2025, 1:21 am
Посл. сброс: January 14, 2025, 3:53 pm
Ближ. сброс : February 13, 2025, 3:53 pm

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Sorry it took so long to reply – whole family has been sick.Please dont leave them out inndiieftely! As we are talking young kids – please cook these fresh. Experiment with the aged ones on older people.I do not know if one can freeze these and not have problems with them drying out from the process.I try to make enough to last a couple of meals. The sausages, fresh, can be in the fridge maybe a day or two longer. They are not that hard to make if you have the grinder.


Sharp *a href="****://xvmnmaxwt****"*thnkiing!*/a* Thanks for the answer.


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